Single, Dating, Engaged, Married

179.00 kr



“Single, Dating, Engaged, Married” is a book written by Ben Stuart that offers a practical and biblical perspective on relationships and dating. The book is divided into four sections, each one dedicated to a different stage of romantic relationships.

The first section, “Single,” focuses on the importance of finding contentment and purpose in singleness. Stuart encourages readers to pursue their relationship with God and develop their character while waiting for a romantic partner.

The second section, “Dating,” offers advice on how to date intentionally and pursue a healthy relationship. Stuart emphasizes the importance of clear communication, boundaries, and mutual respect.

The third section, “Engaged,” provides practical tips for preparing for marriage, including pre-marital counseling and understanding the roles and responsibilities of a husband and wife.

The final section, “Married,” explores the challenges and joys of marriage, including topics such as communication, conflict resolution, and intimacy.

Overall, “Single, Dating, Engaged, Married” provides a comprehensive guide for anyone navigating the complexities of romantic relationships, offering both practical advice and a biblical perspective on love and commitment.


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