Interracial dating has become even more popular these days because of advancements in technology. People can now contact each other from anywhere in the world without the need to pay for a phone call. People who meet can even speak face-to-face with each other person through video calls. These features make interracial dating much easier and many couples from different races are making relationships and even getting married through online dating. However, there are certain questions that should be avoided when involved in interracial dating. Here are the top 10 questions that you should never ask when interracial dating.

10. Do not start a conversation with the phrase, “Why do you people?” This is a very bad start to a conversation since it will appear racist to the other person and this comment will ruin a date.

9. Do not compare your date’s family or culture with yours. Never make this comparison because it will seem as if the person you are dating is insignificant to you. Always try to be on common ground and treat your partner as an equal.

8. Do not ask about religious topics on the first few dates. Religion might be important, but sometimes it can lead to debates that may start arguments.

7. Do not ask about politics during an interracial dating process. Politics is a very complicated and sensitive subject to talk especially when two people who are dating may have different political backgrounds or opinions.

6. Never ask questions that will make you assume something about a person. There are many tall tales and racial stereotypes that a person can hear or read about on the Internet. Those rumors should be ignored and it is more important to look at your date as an individual.

5. Do not ask about past relationships. Just like a normal date, asking about the past on your first date will only result in disaster.

4. Do not ask about current events especially if it is a tragic one. This will only sour the mood of the conversation.

3. Do not ask about your date’s body size. Some people are very sensitive about their sizes; much more if they are from a different race.

2. Do not ask about your date’s financial standing right off the bat. That will only insult your date or you may even open up something troubling which you might regret in the future.

1. Do not ask for sex! This topic will naturally come up on the following dates to come. If your date is conservative, this will only create further insult.

These are the top 10 questions you should definitely avoid asking when involved in interracial dating. There are some offensive questions that your partner might disregard one or two times but there are also crucial questions that you should avoid asking at all costs. Dates should include a smooth conversation and using the wrong questions may lead up to an argument.


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